Corflu Craic – my fird fanzine convention

I wanted to attend Corflu for a few years. It wasnot so easy though. The previous European one was in 2021 when I was not feeling confident enough to travel to an in-person convention. When I was willing to travel a year ago it was held too far away. Yet both in 2021 and 2022 I attended Corflu online. So the 40th Corflu Craic in Belfast was in a way my first and third fanzine convention at the same time (hence it is my fird convention!).

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Making fanzines

I have been reading some Australian fanzines recently. I checked mainly Wild Goose by Roman Orszanski and iOTA by Leigh Edmonds. The 15th issue of the latter somehow reminded me of the fanzines I used to contribute to. Well, it is a good inspiration, I believe, especially since fanzines appeared as topic worth discussing during my GUFF trip.

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