Beginning of the year is what I consider “The Awards Season”. It is when the nominations are being opened, list of worthy works circulate the internet, and people talk on what should be nominated. Some awards already opened the nominations (or voting) while others will do so soon(ish). Hugos, ESFS Awards, Janusz A. Zajdel Award, FAAn Awards, and more. Also the Fan Funds races are usually open at this time of the year. What it all means to me?
2024 A Busy Year
2024 was a tough year. Full of joy and satisfaction, but also of sadness and frustration. Yet here I want to concentrate rather on the positive aspects, as this is what I want to keep remembering. I managed to visit 15 conventions – all except one I attended in person. There were also many other things happening last year!
52 Articles Challenge
Recently I wrote an article for the Journey Planet. Their “call for papers” for Famous Friendships theme was a temptation I couldn’t resist. Writing it was fun. I mean a lot of work, some if it hard but nevertheless a lot of fun. And I kept pondering – how to write more often?
Background Exhibition at Manggha Museum
In July I had the chance to visit Background exhibition at Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków. Now in the middle of September I came to see it again and I also participated in one of the events accompanying it. As it is something that strongly resonates with my geeky heart I decided to write about the whole experience.
Glasgow 2024 All Staff Weekend and Why I enjoyed It
Those of you involved in conrunning know that from time to time organizers need to meet in person. In theory doing everything online is possible but there are many advantages to meeting in the physical space. Worldcon is not different – and at the end of May we had the Glasgow 2024 All Staff Weekend. It was not the first in person gathering but the first I managed to attend it in person.
Continue reading “Glasgow 2024 All Staff Weekend and Why I enjoyed It”
Musings on Fannish Media
I was wondering whether to write this post as it is an answer to another article that was published in Polish. Yet considering that many of my readers are from Poland I decided that it makes sense. So here it is – a couple of my thoughts.
2023 A Lazy Year?
When I look at my blog I have an impression it was a lazy year. But was it really? I don’t think so. At least I don’t feel like I got a lot of rest and time to be lazy. Yet what I see is that certain things did not go as efficiently as I would love them to. One of them being the blog itself.
2022 Coming back to in-person conventions
2022 was a year when I came back to attending in-person conventions. The pandemic is not over and I am trying to be cautious but I was missing meeting people and enjoying the atmosphere. Yet I did not forget about the online and hybrid events!
Continue reading “2022 Coming back to in-person conventions”
2021 – year when I visited no in-person convention
Traditionally my first post of the year is a look back at the previous year. I see no reason to do otherwise now. Let me then take a look at 2021 and see what went well and what – not so much.
Continue reading “2021 – year when I visited no in-person convention”
Hugo Musings – Best Fan Artist
This category is even more difficult than Best Proffesional Artist. The level of the presented works is amazing and choosing the order on the ballot here was a challenge to me. Once again I concentrate more on how I like the art and not necessarily on the deeper interpretation.