Pyrkon 2019 – queuing surprise

During the last few years Pyrkon has become an important convention for me (and for thousands other SFF fans in Poland). With the convention growing bigger and bigger my approach towards it have shifted, but it was – and still is – a convention I keepdoing my best to attend every year. Still, when writing about it now, I have to mention one issue. Pyrkon is too big for me to be able to grasp everything that goes on during this convention. My report below is not really a Pyrkon 2019 report. It is merely a report on a small part of the con.

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Ytterbium or do seventy things at one con

Ytterbium was my second Eastercon and this time the convention was completely different experience to me. Last year, when I attended Follycon, I had had the feeling that I knew almost no one. I had been a candidate in the GUFF race and I was trying to find my place at the con. This year I knew more people and I was crazy busy with doing a lot of things.

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