The Awards Season

Beginning of the year is what I consider “The Awards Season”. It is when the nominations are being opened, list of worthy works circulate the internet, and people talk on what should be nominated. Some awards already opened the nominations (or voting) while others will do so soon(ish). Hugos, ESFS Awards, Janusz A. Zajdel Award, FAAn Awards, and more. Also the Fan Funds races are usually open at this time of the year. What it all means to me?

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2024 A Busy Year

2024 was a tough year. Full of joy and satisfaction, but also of sadness and frustration. Yet here I want to concentrate rather on the positive aspects, as this is what I want to keep remembering. I managed to visit 15 conventions – all except one I attended in person. There were also many other things happening last year!

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