Kapitularz 2020 – (Virtually) coming back to Łódź

In 2013 and 2014, I visited the Kapitularz convention in Łódź in central Poland. I really enjoyed the con but somehow I hadn’t have the chance to come back. In the meantime, a lot changed about the con. Among other things, it moved to a different venue and became bigger. I was planning to visit it again but as they said – so many cons, so little time…

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TGIFF is coming

The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival (TGIFF) is approaching really fast!
Just a blink of an eye ago it was way ahead of me and now it is almost here. I must say I look forward to it. There are a few reasons why – one of them is because I am a special guest at the event. It makes me happy and slightly nervous. But most important fact are the movies. You can check the programme here. I did not yet made my decisions about which films to watch but I will do it soon.

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My First NASFiC

A few months ago, I was sure this year would be calm or even boring in terms of congoing. I was wrong. The number of events that moved online is high enough that I have to choose the ones that I am going to attend. Columbus NASFiC was the twelfth con for me this year (and I managed to visit only one in person before the pandemic began).

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