Glasgow 2024 All Staff Weekend and Why I enjoyed It

Those of you involved in conrunning know that from time to time organizers need to meet in person. In theory doing everything online is possible but there are many advantages to meeting in the physical space. Worldcon is not different – and at the end of May we had the Glasgow 2024 All Staff Weekend. It was not the first in person gathering but the first I managed to attend it in person.

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The issues of Polcon

Our natcon is not in the best shape right now. I don’t mean that the last one was bad or that last few were bad. Some of them were quite good, while others were not really as they should. Yet the problem manifests itself in a more complex way than having a mediocre Polcon once in a while. The problem is with the whole idea and we need to solve it. So what are the issues of Polcon?

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Polish con culture and traditions

In the response to my first post Understanding Polish conventions I received a question about the con culture. I promised I would write about it but the task is certainly not an easy one. Being as deep in the fandom as I am, I might have problems to spot some important things. To certain extent, it is easier for me to spot them in other countries as I am looking at the convention partially from the outside. Still, I tried to give it a thought and to pin down some elements of Polish con culture and traditions.

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Understanding Polish conventions

The first topic I have chosen for this blog is not an easy one: I want to present what is important for Polish conventions. I wanted to extract the core of convention-going. However, the only way I can look at Polish cons from the outside is to try to compare them to foreign conventions I have attended (mainly Eurocons and Worldcon). This comparison is not ideal as both Eurocons and Worldcons are very specific events. Still, this is the best option so I will be using this imperfect comparison. Continue reading “Understanding Polish conventions”

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