In July I had the chance to visit Background exhibition at Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków. Now in the middle of September I came to see it again and I also participated in one of the events accompanying it. As it is something that strongly resonates with my geeky heart I decided to write about the whole experience.
Making fanzines
I have been reading some Australian fanzines recently. I checked mainly Wild Goose by Roman Orszanski and iOTA by Leigh Edmonds. The 15th issue of the latter somehow reminded me of the fanzines I used to contribute to. Well, it is a good inspiration, I believe, especially since fanzines appeared as topic worth discussing during my GUFF trip.
Cafecon – 10 years passed in a blink of an eye
It is hard to believe that ten years have already passed since the first Cafecon. It is (or was?) not a convention. Instead it was thought as a meeting for local manga & anime fans community in Kraków. In its time it was hugely popular and was held quite regularly. Over the course of years the cafes changed, but the atmosphere remained. In the last few years it disappeared and now it takes place quite rarely.
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Magnificon Expo 2018 – Manga fandoms strikes back
I usually don’t write about manga & anime conventions. This is related to the fact that I haven’t been to any such con for the last three years. But it was the M&A fandom that I started with and although I am not active in this part of fandom any more, I still like watching anime and reading manga. This year, Magnificon had a programme item I wanted to see so strongly, that I decided to visit the convention.
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