I managed to write my third filk. It was inspired by a beautiful Irish song Rattlin’ bog.
Capricon 41 and Long Distance Play – transatlantic cooperation
A few months ago, I was sure that Boskone will be my first convention in 2021. Yet I had already visited Arisia and Capricon 41. The latter cooperated with the British Filk Convention – Long Distance Play – and I would like to write a few words about them.
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Filking at Philcon
When I learned that Philcon would go online I knew that I had to try attending it. The history of the con is really long and I was curious how the convention would look like. When the day came I took some days off work so that I would be able to rest before and after the con due to time zone differences.
Filking Rover
The post below is a very special one. I decided to publish the lyrics to the first filk song I wrote. I am fully aware it is not perfect. Possibly I will change some words in the future but here it is – The Fandom Rover.
Copernicon where the dice were rolling
This year, Copernicon was an experiment for me. Although I like RPGs I usually tend to avoid them during the “standard” conventions as I don’t want to miss other things that are happening at the con. I usually play Tabletop Role Playing Games at the dedicated conventions instead, like my favourite one – Lajconik. Yet this year I had to make an experiment. It is all Seji’s fault! He is the editor of the Spotkania Losowe (Random Encounters) fanzine.