Some days are bad and some are good. The weekend of Imladris XXI was definitely in the latter category. The convention felt exactly as it should. It was a good mixture of programme and socializing. I didn’t know what I needed before the con but during it I understood that I am in a right place.
Imladris 2021 diving into virtual realm
Imladris is a very special convention to me. It was my first SFF con back in 2003. It was also Imladris that was was my 200th convention two years ago. This is why I was sad that last year we didn’t have it. Instead there were regular meetings spread over the few months – yet it is not the same. This year however the team decided to held a virtual convention. The plans were to have an event smaller than usual.
Imladris 2019 – great jubilee
Oh dear, Imladris 2019 was my 200th convention (this number deserves another post that will follow relatively soon). I had such a great time and I am extremely happy about the con. It was magical in many ways it was definitely one of my best cons this year.
Imladris XVII – the mathematical fuss
I really love Imladris. It is a convention that is very dear to me (my first SFF convention was Imladris, back in 2003). It is also a convention that has a really cool atmosphere. So how did it go this year at Imladris XVII?
Imladris XVI – a reminder of good old times
Imladris has a special place in my heart. It was not the first convention I was a member of (this title belongs to DOJIcon 2), but it was the first SF convention I had the pleasure to attend. A few years ago I was very disappointed to learn that the con would be discontinued. To my delight, the convention was revived in 2013 after several years on hiatus. I suppose it is not a big surprise that I’ve been doing my best to visit Imladris every year since then. This year was no exception.
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