Over the years, I attended conventions of different length – from one to five days. Still, most of them are rather longer than single day. This year, I visited Wirtualkon and recently I attended reCONvene. The first thing I can say is that it was too short – I will try to explain why later in this post.
Colour printer filk
Some time passed since I wrote my first filk. Now is the time for the second one.
Melody was taken from the song by Janis Joplin and the lyrics are below.
WSFS Inc. – Polemic with Cheryl Morgan
On 29th July, the Pre-Worldcon Report by Cheryl Morgan was posted. It is a very good read and it touches some important points. I decided to post about it because of two reasons. Firstly, I want to recommend the article to you and secondly because I would like to discuss some points.
CoNZealand – the first ever virtual Worldcon
When in March it was announced that CoNZealand would go virtual I thought it was a really brave decision. I also believed that it was the right decision made in time to allow people to rearrange their plans. Some fans shared my opinion, others believed that it was unfair as they wanted to attend the convention in person, and lastly, some people even stated that it wouldn’t be a true Worldcon.
Continue reading “CoNZealand – the first ever virtual Worldcon”
The doors are important
So the Hugo ceremony during this year’s Worldcon caused a lot of commentary online. I won’t concentrate on it though. George R.R. Martin received a lot of deserved criticism both on twitter and in longer posts and you may find a lot of valid arguments there (some summary is here). Yet one of the threads was brought to my attention and made me write this post.
Orichalcum IV – The Earthdawn Convention
Last year, I learned about Orichalcum – a convention devoted completely to Earthdawn RPG. I wanted to visit it but getting to the conplace would take too much time and I didn’t manage to attend it. Still I promised to myself to come to it one day. And this year attending Orichalcum was really easy because it took place online. I believe we all would prefer to be there in person but we had to cope with what world prepared for us.
The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival
To my surprise, recently I received an interesting and very pleasant e-mail. It was an invitation to join The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival (TGIFF) as a guest. It was something I couldn’t simply refuse so I said yes and now I would like to share some news about the event with you.
Wirtualkon – an experiment
Wirtualkon was a very short manga and anime convention. It was an experiment for organizers (and I also treated it as such). The whole event was much too short for me to write a longer report but I have a few thoughts to share. Also, I decided to concentrate more on the platform that had been used to make this con.
AmazingCon and what was missing there
Some virtual conventions (like Balticon) were just regular cons that moved online because of the pandemic. Others (like Konline) were created with the purpose of being online. AmazingCon falls into the second category. It was organized by the Amazing Stories Magazine and it had strong impact on the programme.
Online Conventions and Where to Find Them
Previously, I had been sceptical towards online conventions. Admittedly, as soon as I learned about the first one, I decided to attend it and give it a try. I was quite positively surprised by the outcome. Since then I visited a few more of them and I learned something new during each event.
Continue reading “Online Conventions and Where to Find Them”