Nordcon 2019 – a grand finale of the convention season

Nordcon is a Polish relaxacon that conveniently takes place at the end of the year. In recent years, it was the last convention of the year for me. 2019 was no different – Nordcon 2019 took place over the first full December weekend and unless something surprising happens, it is, as of now, my last convention this year.

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Second part of the marathon – TitanCon Eurocon

The best thing about Eurocon happening after Worldcon is the fact that you can have a convention marathon, but at the same time this is the worst thing as marathons in general are exhausting. This years’ Eurocon took place one week after and around 170 km north from Dublin 2019 Worldcon and it had both the advantages and disadvantages of happening just after Worldcon.

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Dublin 2019 An Irish Worldcon – a handful of memories, part 1

I love Worldcons. I have only been to three of them, but I have fallen in love with the very first one. With each Worldcon I attended I was more and more involved in them. In Dublin, I have not only been a gopher and not only helped in promotions, but I also had a chance to work in the Programme team. I cannot be fully objective when writing about this convention, but I will do my best to describe Dublin 2019 An Irish Worldcon as good as I can.

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Seminarium Literackie 2019 – just like a good family gathering

Śląski Klub Fantastyki (Silesian SFF club) has been organizing Seminarium Literackie (Literary Seminar) for many years. Yet, this always was and still is a relatively small convention where almost everyone knows everyone else. This year, it was my second time at this event and I am really happy that I attended.

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