Continuum 14: Conjugation – my first convention on the southern hemisphere

As some of you know I was a GUFF delegate this year and I got the opportunity to visit a convention in Australia. The convention was Continuum 14: Conjugation that was held in Melbourne between 8th and 11th June. It was my first convention on the southern hemisphere and I was really interested in how similar/different it will be compared to all other cons I have visited.

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Pyrkon – huge as always

It has been a while since Pyrkon but I have started my GUFF trip just after the convention and therefore I didn’t have time to write about the con before. Now I am trying to recollect my memories and this is not so easy after three weeks I have spent in Australia doing fannish things. There is however one thing that stick to my memory apart from the size of this convention – guests.

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KONgres 2018 – learning how to run a con

Last year the first KONgres took place. It was the first Polish convention for conrunners. This year it was held again in Wrocław and was both similar to and different than the previous year. It was much smaller than in 2017 when it was a new idea. Now it didn’t have the freshness but still there were over 80 members what, I believe, is a decent number for this kind of event.

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Lajconik – four RPG sessions in two days

I already stated before how much I like Lajconik. It is a wonderful small convention where I can play RPG both with people I know and those who I haven’t met before. This year it was kind of special to me as I am chairing the SFF club that organizes it. Despite this I was a regular attendee and not staff member, even though I had participated in some staff meetings in order to offer my help (that wasn’t really needed).

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Smofcon 35 or what do you do when you are not organizing a con

Smofcon 35 was an important experience for me. It was the first time that I was able to attend a convention in the USA. The nature of the con was, however, not typical for US, as Smofcon is a convention dedicated to conrunners and the programme is circling around conrunning and not any SF/F issues. Still, it was a great opportunity for me and I am really, really happy I was able to attend it.

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